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Newsletter Healthy Brain Study - December 2021
All the best for 2022!

In this newsletter we tell you more about how to register for the Campus meeting on January 17. We also share some milestones with you. Enjoy this newsletter!

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Campus Meeting Healthy Brain Study

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Campus Meeting Healthy Brain Study
January 17, 2022 - 13:00 - 16:45 - Radboudumc, Experience Center, M260.-1 De Waalbrug (M260.-1)

9 December 2021

Get informed & inspired what the Healthy Brain Study resource offers you & team up!

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Progress of the study

First HBS paper accepted for publication!

The paper describing the rationale and design of the Healthy Brain Study has been accepted for publication in PLOS ONE. Very soon you will receive the publication. Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the design!

Here you can read the pre-print

1000 assessments performed!

11 November 2021

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Science meets Business
Healthy Brains for Healthy Work

The meeting on December 2. was a true example of connecting science and business!

First stool samples have been issued!

The first batch of 235 stool samples has been issued. The samples were sent to Baseclear for microbiome analysis (16S profiling) for the interdisciplinary study: Qualifying multivariate associations between large-scale brain network connectivity and gut microbiome composition.

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HBS data or samples in your grant application?

13 December 2021

Are you preparing a grant proposal that (partly) uses the Healthy Brain Study data or samples? Please include a data and sample fee and inform Lucy Overbeek.

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Discovery sprint session
Integrate mobile/wearable data

We organized a ‘discovery sprint session’ at Holthurnsche Hof in Berg en Dal! The session was the kickstart of our effort to integrate mobile/wearable data collected in the Healthy Brain Study and opens up this immensely rich data resource for real-world behaviour for all of you.

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Healthy Brain Study
in the media!

Omroep Gelderland had an interview with project manager Lucy Overbeek, researcher Koen Haak and participant Korrie!

Watch our story on Omroep Gelderland

Social media

The Healthy Brain Study is also present at social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Partners of the Healthy Brain Study

A substantial part of the Healthy Brain Study participants are recruited by employers that support our study by (partly) compensating the hours of participants and/or communicating about the study. We are glad that the following partners support the Healthy Brain Study.

© 2024 Healthy Brain Study, All rights reserved.