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Newsletter Healthy Brain Study - February 2022

In this newsletter we tell you more about our latest Campus meeting and our new platform for Citizen Science: Ik onderzoek mee. The second batch of Healthy Brain Study stool samples has been issued! We also share a vacancy. Please share with your network. Enjoy this newsletter!

Campus meeting Healthy Brain Study
January 17th

16 February 2022

In our campus meeting on the 17th of January, 45 people from 20 research institutes from Radboud campus met online to hear about the Healthy Brain Initiative from Roshan Cools and to get an update on the progress of the Healthy Brain Study by Lucy Overbeek.

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The first team science paper is out now!

4 January 2022

Do you want to know why we started this team science endeavor, how we designed the study, and how to access this rich resource? 

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Healthy Brain Study stool samples
Second batch has been issued!

17 February 2022

A second batch of 225 stool samples has been issued. The samples have been prepared at the department of pathology and have been sent to MS Omics in Denmark for metabolite analyses.

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Individual differences in language skills battery

17 February 2022

Language skill is a key predictor of professional success and, more generally, of our functioning in society. The protocol of the Healthy Brain Study includes the ‘Individual Differences in Language Skills’ test battery, a collection of about 30 behavioral tests.

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Citizen Science
Ik onderzoek mee live!

11 February 2022

Citizens have a lot of knowledge and experience about their health and care. They are 'experience experts'. Through citizen science, we give people a voice to share their knowledge and experience with care providers and researchers.

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Progress of the study

Recruitment practical educated participants
What's your idea?

As you know it’s a real challenge to recruit practical educated participants for our study. We have been contacting employers and (sport)clubs to promote the study among their employees and members. Have you got another idea? Share your ideas and send an email to:

Who is in our HBS project team?

Do you want to know who is a member of our HBS project team?

Take a look

Vacancy Promotion assistant
Healthy Brain Study

To recruit more participants, we are looking for one or more promotion assistants. Do you know someone with an enthusiastic, positive attitude and a smooth chat? Share the job description now!

Read the full job description here (Dutch)

HBS in the media
NRC Newspaper

‘For the busy thirty-year-old it became even more difficult during corona to meet all the requirements’ This is the headline of an article written by a journalist of newspaper NRC. The journalist interviewed our MRI researcher Koen Haak and projectmanager Lucy Overbeek about our study.

Read the article

Social media

The Healthy Brain Study is also present at social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Partners of the Healthy Brain Study

A substantial part of the Healthy Brain Study participants are recruited by employers that support our study by (partly) compensating the hours of participants and/or communicating about the study. We are glad that the following partners support the Healthy Brain Study.

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