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Newsletter Healthy Brain Study - May 2023

In this newsletter we share multiple milestones with you. Furthermore we give you an update about the first data release and tell you more about the 100 Radboud gebaren and the campaign "For the Life of Tomorrow". Scroll down and enjoy this newsletter!

900 participants included!

End of the recruitment period

9 May 2023

From March 20 you can no longer register for the study. We will continue to test participants through December 2023. In the study, participants will be tested three different times over a period of 9 months to a year. That is why the last new participants started last month, in April.

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Thank you Lucy!

After 5,5 years as the project manager of the Healthy Brain Study, Lucy will be leaving us soon. On behalf of the entire research team, we would like to thank you for all the work you have done for the Healthy Brain Study and our team. We wish you all the best and good luck in your new job...

First data release
10 requests on varying topics

16 May 2023

We received 10 requests on varying topics. The Data Access Committee judged the proposal. The next step is that Data Use Agreements will be signed and data will be released to the researchers. We are looking forward to seeing the results of the first research being done with the HBS resource!

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Healthy Brain Study - For the life of tomorrow
NFU campaign

The NFU - Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers has published a new series in the public campaign For the life of tomorrow. The central theme this time: cohort studies. The Healthy Brain Study is a cohort study and therefore has a nice spot on this page (in Dutch).

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Postponement of deadline request round 2023-2

22 May 2023

We postpone this call due to a transfer of tasks following Lucy’s departure.

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100 Radboudgebaren (gestures)
Involving society in research

21 February 2023

Involving society in research is important. But some people don't know how research works and have a lot of questions. What do they expect from me? That's why you could take a look in our "kitchen" at the Dukenburg Shopping Center on May 11 by doing a few fun tests.

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Clear information about medical-scientific research
Think along and share your ideas!

The CCMO is developing a new model for the Subject Information Form (PIF). For this it is important to get input from everyone who works with the PIF or has experience with the PIF as a test subject. Think along and share your ideas about the PIF: complete the questionnaire before May 31!

Complete the questionnaire here

Progress of the study

Social media

The Healthy Brain Study is also present at social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Partners of the Healthy Brain Study

A substantial part of the Healthy Brain Study participants are recruited by employers that support our study by (partly) compensating the hours of participants and/or communicating about the study. We are glad that the following partners support the Healthy Brain Study.

© 2024 Healthy Brain Study, All rights reserved.