Scientific board
Guillen Fernandez

Project leader
Nils Kohn

Co-project leader
Lisa Wirz

Project manager
Anil Tuladhar

Neurologist - associate professor
Thijs Eijsvogels

Assistant professor Physiology
Sascha Füllbrunn

Associate professor - Financial Economics
Joukje Oosterman

Associate Principal Investigator Donders Centre for Cognition
Erik Bijleveld

Psychologist, assistant professor
Laura Speed
Assistant Professor - Centre for Language Studies
Gerjen Tinnevelt

Post doctoral researcher - Faculty of Science
Ingrid Szilagyi

Postdoctoral Researcher - Language & Genetics department - Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
José Marques

Associate Principal investigator - Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour