
Newsletter Healthy Brain Study - December 2022

In this newsletter we tell you more about introducing our waiting list for highly educated participants, the first data release and you read more about new collaborations on and outside the Radboud campus. Enjoy this newsletter!

Inclusive research
waiting list for highly educated participants

12 December 2022

The HBS's first aim is including a broad range of variables within a holistic approach. The last few months have been so successful that we have included enough highly educated participants. We introduced a waiting list for them, so we can give priority to low and middle educated&...

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Progress of the study

Preparing the First data release

15 December 2022

The data manager, data steward and data scientists of the Healthy Brain Study are preparing the first data release! Data of the first 300 participants that have completed the entire study, thus the three repeated assessments, will be included in the first data release. When? Read more here.

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The project team...
Cengiz Karaman, research assistant

15 November 2022

"My goal is to contribute to science through good data collection. This data can be of great help to researchers in unraveling the brain. Of course I also want to guide the participants as well as possible!"

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Merry Christmas & a happy and healthy 2023!
a special year for HBS

12 December 2022

We wish you a Merry Christmas & a happy and healthy 2023! 2023 will be an important and special year for the Healthy Brain Study. Until April 2023 we can include new participants. 2023 will also be the last year of collecting the data.

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Peter de Looff receives ZonMW research fellowship

12 December 2022

In this project he will improve forensic psychiatric treatments by combining traditional psychosocial treatment interventions with physiological measurements (heart rate, movement and temperature) using wearables.

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Imaging-derived phenotypes

15 December 2022

Our MRI data scientist Erik van Oort calculated more than 500 so-called imaging-derived phenotypes (IDPs). These IDPs can be used by non-imaging expert and will be part of the first data release. Do you want to learn more about IDPs? Read more: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.10.034.

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17 October 2022

Radboud researchers Bernd Figner and Anna Tyborowska are starting a new research project with Canadian researchers. They use data from the Healthy Brain Study for this. Wondering what the goal of this project is? Read more here.

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The project team...
Laura Dolman - Mauritz, research assistant

1 December 2022

"My goal in my work is to collect data as carefully as possible and to contribute to this enormous source of data that will be available soon."

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On November 19, 4 HBS colleagues participated in the NN Zevenheuvelenloop! They participated in their Healthy Brain Study sports shirt. Will you join next year? Please let us know!

HBS in the media

HBS in the media (in Dutch):

Social media

The Healthy Brain Study is also present at social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Partners of the Healthy Brain Study

A substantial part of the Healthy Brain Study participants are recruited by employers that support our study by (partly) compensating the hours of participants and/or communicating about the study. We are glad that the following partners support the Healthy Brain Study.

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