
Newsletter Healthy Brain Study - September 2022

In this newsletter we tell you more about our participant event and invite you for an interesting round table, a course and lecture. Also, you read about new collaborations to create synergy on Radboud campus. Enjoy this newsletter!

Participant event
with Nienke Wijnants

Nienke Wijnants gives a workshop on Tuesday evening the 20thof September about the ‘dertigersdilemma’. She is psychologist, career coach and author of the book ‘Het Dertigersdilemma’. Do you ór do you know someone who want to join us? Then, sign up by clicking on the button...

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Round table Nienke Wijnants
Please join!

7 September 2022

You are invited for a round table discussion with Nienke Wijnants on the same day from 14:30-15:30. The goal is to get to know each other and to explore collaboration. Read more about the round table below.

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The project team...
Noa Avital, promotion assistant

6 July 2022

"I hope to recruit many motivated participants for the study and to guide them during the study."

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Participant Kees

1 September 2022

Do you want to hear Kees’ experience as a participant of the Healthy Brain Study? Read the interview (in Dutch).

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Introductory Crash Course on Network Analysis
Register now!

7 September 2022

During this short course, Nina de Boer will provide you with an introduction to the field of network analysis, which will hopefully help you along the way when you are starting a project in network analysis or simply want to learn more about the rationale behind this method.

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The project team...
Merle Borremans - de Bruin, research assistant

24 May 2022

"My goal is to ensure that the lab visits of the participants go well and smoothly. In this way I contribute to the proper supply of data for the research."

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Healthy Brain Study - Vierdaagsefeesten
a successful week

9 August 2022

We would like to inform as many people in their thirties from the region as possible about our unique research. We were present throughout the "Vierdaagsefeesten" to get into conversation with the public. We had nice conversations with interested people. Many registrations have been...

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3rd Annual RICH Lecture | Rick Quax
"Information Processing in Dynamical Systems"

7 September 2022

You are cordially invited to the 3rd Radboud Interfaculty Complexity Hub (RICH) Lecture on Tuesday, September 13th at 2:30 pm. Dr. Rick Quax (UvA) will give an intriguing lecture on Information Processing in Dynamical Systems. Register now!

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Collaboration on campus

8 September 2022

Work life balance is a challenging topic for people in their thirties. Therefore, in the Healthy Brain Study this balance is thoroughly assessed. One of the research groups that will exploit our resource is the Radboud WorkLife (work-life.eu) consortium. Read more here.

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Inclusive research

8 September 2022

The Healthy Brain Study's first aim (including a broad range of variables within a holistic approach) turns out to be challenging with its fifth aim (including a population based sample). So far, only a few people with low socioeconomic status (SES) participated. Read here how you can help us!

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October edition Hallo! Nijmegen
Keep an eye on your postbox!

Keep an eye on your private postbox, because in October the Healthy Brain Study will be on the front page of the magazine Hallo! Nijmegen. There will also be a nice editorial article with an interview with, among others, participant Lilly.

HBS in the media

HBS in the media (in Dutch):

Progress of the study

Social media

The Healthy Brain Study is also present at social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Partners of the Healthy Brain Study

A substantial part of the Healthy Brain Study participants are recruited by employers that support our study by (partly) compensating the hours of participants and/or communicating about the study. We are glad that the following partners support the Healthy Brain Study.

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