18 September 2023

The preliminary data release of the Healthy Brain Study is in full swing! Already 12 projects are getting busy with analyzing data from the first 300 participants. Do you want to request Healthy Brain Study data?  Look out for the announcement of the 3rd round of the preliminary data release on November 1st. This round will already include data from the first 500 participants.  The submission deadline will be November 29th.

We look forward to your data requests! You can also visit our poster during the Donders-NIN meeting on October 6th in the Elinor Ostrom building.

Want to know what data the Healthy Brain Study offers? – Have a look at our protocol paper.

Want to know how to get access? – Click here for more information.

Are you interested in using the Healthy Brain Study data, but you have questions? – Send an email to hbs-data@radboudumc.nl.