Data and methods
List of measurements
Please look at the data table, metadata and the protocol paper for more information on the measures and the responsible experts who contributed to the design and/or the preprocessing of the data. We strongly suggest that you contact and collaborate with these researchers when requesting the data.
Burst week: real world assessments
- Physical activity, sedentary behavior (activPal)
- Stress: heart rate, skin conductance, skin temperature (Empatica E4)
- Sleep (ZMax)
- Ecological Momentary Assessments
Bio sampling
- Stool
- Urine
- Salivary cortisol
- Exposure to chemicals
- Blood
- Hair (cortisol)
- MPRAGE anatomical scan
- Resting state BOLD scan and registration data
- Movie task BOLD scan
- Diffusion weighted scan
- MP2RAGE scan
- QSM anatomical scan
Lab visit: Physiological assessments
- Body composition
- Blood pressure
- Physical activity: Astrand Rhyming test, Vo2max
- Cold pressor test, acute stress challenge
- Heart rate
- Subjective stress levels
- Subjective pain levels
- Electrical pain threshold
- Carotid artery reactivity
Lab visit: Cognitive, affective, behavioral assessments
- Foraging task
- Random dot motion discrimination task
- Reward-driven reach adaptation task
- Tower of London
- Paired associate memory task
- Contextual fear generalization task
- Emotion regulation task
- Self-referent encoding task
- Stimulus-response compatibility task
- Columbia card task
- Food auction task
Sensory tests
- Vision: visual aquity (ETDRS), color vision (Ishihara chart), contrast sensitivity (Pelli-Robson test)
- Hearing
Post-visit online assessments
- Trust game
- Equiality equivalence test
- Higher-order risk preferences
- Time preferences
- Public Good game
- Ambiguity preference
- Meta-cognition task
- Narrative reading
- Solidarity questionnaire
Language in Interaction Battery
- Stairs4Words
- Peabody picture vocabulary
- Idiom recognition
- Spelling
- Author recognition
- Prescriptive grammar
- Auditory simple reaction time
- Auditory choice reaction time
- Digit span (forward and backward)
- Corsi block clicking (forward and backward)
- Raven’s advanced progressive matrices
- Picture naming
- Rapid automation naming (RAN)
- Verbal fluency
- Antonym production
- Maximal speech rate
- Phase generation
- Sentence generation (structured and unstructured)
- Spontaneous speech
- Non-word monitoring in noise in non-word list
- Rhyme judgment
- Auditory lexical decision
- Semantic categorization
- Word monitoring in noise in sentence
- Gender cue actuvation during sentence comprehension
- Verb semantics activation during sentence comprehension
- Self-paced reading
Pre-visit online questioinnaires
- General information
- Age, sex, handedness
- Household composition
- Education
- Income
- Advanced demographic background variables
- Menstrual cycle
- Pregnancy
- Lifestyle
- Smoking history and Fagerstrom test of nicotine dependence
- Alcohol and Alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT)
- Substance matrix Mate-Q
- Sedentary behavior questionnaire
- Pittsburgh sleep quality index
- Dream recall frequency scale
- Social media disorder scale
- Internet gaming disorder scale
- Media multitasking index
- Food frequency questionnaire
- Wellbeing
- Satisfaction with life scale
- Cantrill ladder
- Five facet mindfulness questionnaire – short form
Post-visit online questionnaires
- Health
- Mental Health
- Life events
- Social/Relationships
- Work
- Politics
- Personality
- Literacy
Other questionnaires
- Mind wondering – assessed during the lab visit in the MRI scanner
- COVID-19 related questionnaires, assessed between March – July 2020
- General corona virus questionnaire
- State and trait anxiety inventory – State
- Perceived stress scale
- Cantrill ladder
- UCLA loneliness scale
- Sedentary behavior questionnaire
- Pittsburgh sleep questionnaire